Grants for Gardeners Program
The Lexington Field & Garden Club is pleased to offer an exciting program called “Grants for Gardeners.” This program funds innovative ideas developed by you, our members.
In 2020, the Executive Board, under the leadership of co-Presidents Bridget Galdes and Ruthanne Igoe, appointed a working committee, the Financial Advisory Working Group (FAWG). This committee was tasked with developing and implementing a Fiscal Strategy and a transparent process to generate, evaluate and fund new initiatives by active Club members that support the Club’s mission. The Executive Board, at its last meeting of the 2020-2021 fiscal year, approved always keeping three years of Club costs in reserves. That decision left funds available to enhance the Club’s “education, service, and friendship mission.” We are grateful to past leaders for decisions that placed the Club in such strong financial health.
What is “Grants for Gardeners?”
“Grants for Gardeners” funds innovative projects proposed by LFGC members. This grant request formalizes the distribution of excess funds from the Club’s treasury and provides a transparent and accountable process while maintaining the Club’s solid financial position.
Who May Apply?
Grant requests can be submitted by individual LFGC members only. While several members may wish to collaborate on a project, only one person will be named the grant recipient on the application. This individual will be responsible for the project, budget, and timely completion.
What Projects or Ideas Are Eligible?
Projects eligible for funding should align with the club’s mission of “beautification, education, and building community” and benefit Lexington or the Lexington Field & Garden Club only.
- Projects that would broadly appeal to the membership or the town are favored.
- If ongoing maintenance of a project or program requires either ongoing funds or personnel, the applicant should address this in the application.
- Projects or proposals cannot request more than three years of funding.
- No scholarships or funding of individual member’s education at this time.
- Grant applications for social events, federal buildings or lands, religious institutions, or personal property such as a private home will not be considered.
Preparing and Submitting an Application
Proposals will be considered for funding any time of the year.
To make it easier for you to submit your grant application (and for us to review it), we’ve created an online grant application form which is available here.
Questions about grant applications will be answered by the grant administrator by email Please allow two full business days for a response.
When preparing a funding application, please provide a brief narrative addressing how the project fits the mission of the Club and provide a budget and any supporting documents, such as photographs, relevant to the proposal. Grants can be requested for one-time projects as well as multi-year activities. Include goals and objectives by which the application can be judged. (Is the goal of the project to make the town more beautiful? Provide education to members or the town? What benefit does the grantee get from the funding? What benefit is there to the Club?) Those who receive a grant agree to post a permanent marker, lawn sign, slide (in the example of a presentation), or statement in any approved project that says, “This project was supported by the Lexington Field & Garden Club Grants for Gardeners program.”
Our goal is for the grant administrator to receive the grants confidentially and to anonymize them for review by the committee. FAWG committee members will review and score the grants individually and then meet as a committee to select the final awards. Applicants will be notified by individual email within 14 business days of the submission deadline as to the approval, rejection, or request for additional information. The applicant may incorporate this feedback for possible re-submission for the following grant cycle. Funding may be for the total amount requested in the application or some portion thereof. Funded proposals, including the grant’s title, the amount awarded, and the author of the grant will also be posted on the LFGC website. This ensures transparency in how Club funding is being used. Reimbursement of funds to the grantee will be made as funds are spent for the project by the LFGC treasurer. Please provide receipts. Within one year of the grant submission deadline, a brief one-page report should be sent to the FAWG at
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Financial Advisory Working Group is managed by Ruthanne Igoe.